Derbyshire council promotes fibre broadband strategy

Derbyshire County Council (DCC) has launched an information pack to promote the local authority's push to improve fibre optic broadband connectivity.
The Digital Derbyshire strategy is looking to bring about the county's most significant investment in broadband infrastructure, with at least £14.78 million of public money set to be spent.
At present, 180,000 homes and businesses are located in broadband 'white areas', which are stuck with downstream speeds of less than 2Mbps.
The information packs will include a guide to internet jargon, case studies of residents and firms that have benefited from super-fast broadband and details of the history of Digital Derbyshire. They will be distributed at a string of events across the county.
Kevin Parkinson, cabinet member for regeneration at DCC, said: "We've made it one of our top priorities to deliver better broadband for Derbyshire because modern everyday life is increasingly dependent on it."
He added the project will deliver improved connectivity across Derbyshire, particularly in rural communities.