Dorset residents given chance to learn about fibre broadband

Residents in Dorset who will be connected to fibre optic broadband as part of a local rollout project will be given the chance to find out more about when they can expect to receive the service.
The town of Bridport will be upgraded to a next-generation network thanks to the Superfast Dorset rollout initiative. The move has been facilitated by the government's Broadband Delivery UK, which is using public funds to subsidise fibre installations across the the UK.
Homeowners and business people from Bridport have been invited to attend an event at the Town Hall on Wednesday 5th February between 13:00 and 16:00, where they can find out when their property will be upgraded and ask questions about the benefits it will bring.
Superfast Dorset Project Leader Dugald Lockhart said: "We look forward to telling people how our project will improve the way they live and work. Please drop in and see us.”
The initiative is a partnership between a number of Dorset councils and BT, which has been the subject of a £31 million investment. It estimates that 95 per cent of premises in the region will be introduced to the service by 2016.