Fibre broadband comes to Hesketh Bank

BT has announced that super-fast fibre optic broadband has gone live in another Lancashire community.
The region of Hesketh Bank is set to benefit from download speeds of up to 80Mbps and upload speeds of up to 20Mbps as a result.
More than 3,800 local homes and businesses will be joining this high-speed revolution, which is being funded in part by the £2.5 billion rollout by BT.
Regional director of the north-west for BT Mike Blackburn underlined the fact that his firm's fibre network is rapidly expanding across the area.
Furthermore, local economies are thought to be enjoying a considerable boost wherever it goes.
Indeed, research indicates that in the coming 15 years, fibre broadband could bolster the economy of a typical town by around £143 million, as well as leading to the creation of new jobs.
"The arrival of fibre in Hesketh Bank can really help local firms in these economically challenging times, opening up new ways of working and speeding up vital operations," Mr Blackburn commented.