Fibre broadband implemented in 5 Black Country areas

Network carrier BT has announced that high-speed fibre broadband has been rolled out in five Black Country communities.
More than 12,500 homes and local businesses in Bilston are expected to benefit from the implementation of the technology.
This follows on from the introduction of the next-generation broadband in Brierly Hill, Fordhouses, Penn and Stourbridge, where fibre is also being installed.
It is hoped that this will bring the total number of households and firms to benefit from this section of the wider £2.5 billion rollout up to almost 62,000.
Regional director for the West Midlands at BT John Dovey emphasised the fact that local economies enjoy a boost wherever fibre is laid down.
"As more than a million households and businesses have already discovered, fibre broadband opens up a whole new world to internet users," Mr Dovey remarked, adding that whatever the internet is used for, it can be done better and faster on a fibre connection.