Fibre broadband project brings jobs boost to south-west

A project aimed at upgrading broadband speeds across the south-west of England is set to bring a jobs boost to the region.
BT is installing fibre optic broadband infrastructure in Exeter, Bristol, Plymouth, Taunton and Salisbury and will recruit 42 local people to carry out engineering work, reports the Exeter Express and Echo.
Successful applicants will go through a five-week training programme, which will give them all the skills needed to be part of BT's Openreach team.
The upgrades will take place as part of wider rollout initiatives in Devon, Somerset, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire.
Jon Reynolds, BT South-West Regional Director, explained that he was very pleased with the calibre of applicants in the region.
He said: "They've shown a great enthusiasm for the work and the huge benefits this exciting technology is bringing to the south-west."
Once completed, the project will introduce homes and businesses in the upgraded areas to superfast speeds, well above the UK average.