Fibre broadband rolled out to first Cowes properties

Fibre optic broadband has been rolled out to the first homes and businesses in Cowes on the Isle of Wight.
Over the coming weeks, more than 7,500 properties in the town will be able to receive super-fast broadband from BT, while the exchanges at Newport and Ryde are also set to be upgraded before the end of the year, reports Isle of Wight Radio.
Furthermore, Sandown and Ventnor are scheduled to be connected to fibre broadband before the end of 2013, by which time around 40,000 premises will have benefited from BT's £2.5 billion national rollout.
David Pugh, leader of Isle of Wight Council, said: "This will provide a positive boost not only to residents but will also support local businesses and be a catalyst for further investment and jobs on the island."
In addition to BT's project, the local authority has committed £3 million to ensure communities across the Isle of Wight enjoy the same standard of connectivity as Cowes.