Fibre optic broadband lobbyers to ditch BT

A residents group from Hampshire that wants fibre optic broadband introduced to several villages in the area says it will not accept BT as its service provider.
Homes and businesses in Dun Valley are dissatisfied with their current service, which they say cannot even provide speeds of 2Mbps.
The leader of the Dun Valley Broadband Group Malcolm Vincent told the Romsey Advertiser that he has been looking at alternative service providers who can give residents a better service that is not subsidised by the taxpayer.
He said: "We’ve been looking at Gigaclear, an alternative to BT, to provide a fibre optic service in six villages."
So far, the group is very much a minority in the UK as every single one of the contracts that has already been issued by the government as part of their nationwide rollout has been given to BT.
But with the Dun Valley Group bucking the trend it remains to be seen whether this could lead to more communities looking to subscribe to an alternative provider.