More than half of Lancashire now connected to fibre broadband
Over half of homes and businesses in Lancashire now how access to fibre optic broadband, thanks to the Superfast Lancashire rollout project.
The initiative has seen millions of pounds invested in the infrastructure needed to provide access to the high-speed service and organisers hope to have confirmed that 52 per cent of premises have been connected.
If the project is finished on schedule, this figure is expected rise to 97 per cent by the end of next year.
Champion for Digital Inclusion at Lancashire County Council Sean Serridge explained that residents and entrepreneurs can expect experience the widespread benefits of the next-generation network.
He said: "There can be few areas of modern life which are not touched in some way by broadband connectivity."
Mr Serridge went onto cite homeworking, social relationships and entertainment as three areas where thousands of Lancashire people will be able to utilise superfast speeds.
A further 21,500 properties are expected to be introduced to fibre optic broadband by the end of March.