Staffordshire residents updated on fibre optic broadband rollout

A conference was held on Friday (November 22nd 2013) to reveal the first areas that will benefit from being connected to fibre optic broadband as part of the Superfast Staffordshire project.
The next-generation service will be rolled out all over the county as part of the project by BT. The service provider has confirmed the first exchanges in Staffordshire will go live by the end of April.
Spots that will receive an upgrade as part of the initial switch-on include Colton and parts of Rugeley. Staffordshire County Council Cabinet Member for Economy and Infrastructure Mark Winnington was keen to highlight the benefits the new service will bring to the area, not just socially, but also in terms of the prosperity of local businesses.
He said: "The Superfast Staffordshire project is vital to people and businesses - it will increase opportunities, accessibility and economic growth."
As well as revealing the areas that will benefit, representatives from BT unveiled a new website that will allow residents to monitor the progress of the Superfast Staffordshire project.