Stirling Council approves fibre broadband rollout

Proposals to bring super-fast fibre optic broadband to the Stirling area have been backed by the local council's Finance and Economy Committee.
The next-generation technology will be able to deliver speeds in excess of 40Mbps and provide a boost to the area's economy.
"Faster broadband is a key priority for Stirling Council. We want to see as many residents and businesses as possible benefit from reliable broadband at the best speeds possible," said councillor Neil Benny, the committee convener.
The scheme has been funded with £600,000 from Stirling Council to top up the money provided by the Scottish government's Step Change 2015 programme, which aims to bring super-fast speeds to 75 per cent of the country's properties.
FarrPoint Limited has been appointed to develop the connectivity plans, which were drafted through a series of consultations with local residents and businesses.
Mr Benny added that the plans will ensure the community receives maximum benefit from the funding available.