Welsh Affairs Committee says fibre broadband not the only option

Fibre optic broadband should not be treated as the only solution for improving connectivity in remote Welsh communities, according to a new report from the Commons Welsh Affairs Committee.
The publication calls on the UK and Welsh governments to work together and take advantage of "all means available" in order to eradicate broadband slowspots and notspots "as a matter of urgency".
In particular, politicians were urged to consider mobile and satellite technologies, rather than relying solely on the rollout of fibre optic broadband.
Furthermore, the committee said the delivery of super-fast broadband must not come at the expense of making universal improvements.
Chair of the committee David Davies commented: "The programmes of both the UK and Welsh governments must be implemented without delay and we very much hope that they will both take the committee's recommendations on board."
Despite the cautious tone of the report, an agreement between BT and the Welsh government has already promised to deliver fibre broadband to 96 per cent of properties in Wales by the end of 2015.