Work begins on Lincolnshire superfast broadband rollout

Residents in Lincolnshire are looking forward to being connected to fibre optic broadband in the coming months after work began on a county-wide rollout project.
The scheme is a partnership between Lincolnshire County Council and BT that aims to bring the next-generation service to 90 per cent of homes and businesses.
A total of £48 million has been invested in the infrastructure for the network, which has an estimated completion date of 2016, reports the Grimsby Telegraph.
Organisers have also set up a new online service that will inform residents and business owners when they can expect their property to be connected.
District and county Councillor for Tetney Tony Bridges explained that the move could bring significant advantages in terms of the area's economy.
He said: "I hope it will attract more businesses to set up here and help existing businesses to grow. It is vital that they have access to speeds which help progress."
The installation is part of the coalition government's nationwide Broadband Delivery UK programme.